How to make every workout count in 2023 with a healthy inflammatory response

How to make every workout count in 2023 with a healthy inflammatory response

Saturday, January 7, 2023

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Around the world, the New Year has delivered a surge of hope and motivation. New healthy habits are being forged, and there’s no more critical time to soothe and support the muscles that help make it all happen! See why a healthy inflammatory response makes a big difference in your success.

Signs of inflammation and why a healthy inflammatory response matters

Soreness after starting an exercise program is usually tied to inflammatory response. Inflammation is a vital part of healing and is your body’s natural biological response to signal the healing process. Adjusting how you prepare and recover from a workout can help decrease your soreness from inflammation and allow you to continue exercising.

The technical term for muscle soreness is “delayed onset muscle soreness” or DOMS, typically occurring 24 to 48 hours after exercise. DOMS is more common after you start a new exercise program or when you significantly increase the intensity or duration of your workouts.

According to the National Library of Medicine, the most common signs of inflammation are acute swelling, pain, redness, and loss of full range of function from soreness. Feelings of exhaustion and muscle soreness are your body’s way of telling you that it’s officially in recovery mode. It repairs itself from strenuous activity by increasing blood flow to the affected areas to replenish oxygen, clear out waste, and fuel your muscles. During this period of recovery inflammation, your immune system scours the area to clean up harmful waste and cellular debris, then signals your body to begin the repair process and fix any damage caused.

The balance and moderation of homeostasis

Your body loves balance and functions at its best in homeostasis. When you are too cold, it works hard to heat you up and when you’re too hot, it will sweat to cool you down. The same process happens when inflammation occurs to rise and repair the damage from an intense workout. It needs time to heal and recover to stave off excess inflammation. Ensuring you have the right tools available to help aid this process can make a big difference in your ability to keep up your exercise routine.

Prep before you start with redox cell signaling

Professional athletes know that preparation before a workout is as important (if not more important) as what you do during the workout. Exercise begins at the cellular level when powerful messages are sent to help protect, rejuvenate, and restore damaged cells. ASEA® Redox Cell Signaling Supplement contains active redox signaling molecules natural to the human body to activate genetic pathways to improve immune system health and help maintain a healthy inflammatory response after physical exercise. Athletes that ingest four-to-eight ounces of the supplement before a workout have witnessed a difference in their endurance.

Plan your exercise to include recovery time

It’s important to ensure your body is responding properly and recovering optimally during your workouts. Training on a schedule with planned days for recovery is essential for proper recovery and mitigating excess inflammation. Quality sleep will give your body the rest and recovery it needs to repair itself by lowering cortisol levels from high physical stress.

Ease muscle discomfort during recovery

RENU28® Revitalizing Redox Gel is designed to work at the surface skin cell level using redox signaling to calm the skin from minor irritants and ease muscle discomfort after exercise. When used daily, this multipurpose gel not only transforms the skin’s appearance, but it also generates 28 days of surface skin cell turnover to give your body the recovery boost it needs.

Listen to your body

Remember to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard, especially when starting a new exercise routine or trying a new activity. Gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts can help you build up your strength and endurance and reduce the risk of soreness and injury.

It’s also important to pay attention to any unusual pain or discomfort you may be experiencing during or after exercise and to consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns. Staying properly hydrated and fueling your body with the right nutrients before and after your workouts can also help you recover more effectively and reduce the risk of injury.

With the right knowledge and tools, you have the basis for a successful new year full of effective exercise!

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